Going home
We had a bumper crop of raspberries

Happy thrifting throughout the summer
Summer feet
Cardigan town where I was born, celebrated 900 years this summer
Mythological 25 foot tall Bran the Blessed was resurrected after a thousand years and brought us all a message to build healing bridges between nations and communities.
A natural pool at a disused and abandoned slate mine
Mini wavelets pop up
out of a flat calm sea
and swim to shore
like a school of dolphins
Seagull on thermals.
Graceful and free on the wind.
Art at Rhos-y-Gilwen
'Keeping Ones Feet On The Ground (In An Increasingly
Upside Down World) An Act of Mittenism' by Maya Bryden
Apple Blossom in our garden ~ only one apple though!
I love finding new-to-me wild plants...
this one is Many Seeded Goosefoot
One of my totems ~ the Buzzard
My Man
We were so happy to have bumblebees choose to nest in
one of our compost bins this summer. They were so busy
coming in and going out, often passing each other at the
entrance. The mess is of their making!
A trip to the character~full and original Pink Cafe for
delicious treacle sponge and ice~cream and peppermint
My Man at the Pink Cafe
A thrift shop find ~ only £3!!
I love making herbal blends for tea. This one is Rosemary,
Sage, Lemon Balm and three Mints fresh from the garden.
We were incredibly excited to have a visit from a
Hummingbird Hawk Moth one summer evening.
My first attempt at pin~hole photography.
It came out too dark :~(
My walking beach
Three mint tea and carrot cake at Rhos-y-Gilwen
A beautiful tree to hug at Rhos-y-Gilwen
A beautiful Yogi Tea message
Elderflower collected for cordial making
Your blog is lovely, Helen!
ReplyDeleteI would love to drink herbal tea with you....and I'm totally inspired by the Pink Cafe!
Thank you Helen :~)
ReplyDeleteWhat a colourful summer you've had. Such a lovely collection of photos to show for it.