Sunday 13 February 2011

~ A recent Artist Date at the beach ~

Words are locked up tight behind feelings that want to burst from a heart too full ~ so ~ mostly images....

A walk (well, more of a climb!) through cave. One year, Our Boy and I were really grateful for this as we got caught on the wrong side by the tide, and just managed to race through this before it got seriously dangerous. It has moods, and sometimes gives a powerful feeling that it doesn't want you in there....I always listen....except maybe when the tide dictates otherwise!

In total awe that the movement and rhythm of the sea makes for a master carver

Dogs are so happy on this beach and run and run and run, with smiles that start on their faces and ripple down their bodies to their tails.

Nature gifts a heart nearly everywhere I go

I leave with my spirit having come from shadow to light
with the realisation that I looked mostly downwards!

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