Saturday, 1 December 2012

~ The Moon, Rainbows and Shadows ~

The Moon and Jupiter have been dancing.

November Full Moon and Jupiter
I have a ritual; each night before I lay my head, I go out to say goodnight to the night....this is what I saw in the wee small hours of this morning.
.....a ring around the moon. Jupiter in attendance.
November has been a month of Rainbows...
Crow and Rainbow

and RAIN!

We have our faerie lights up for all of the winter...they bring cheer to the dark, grey days and lift our spirits.
Dragonfly Faerie~Light Shadows

There are so many miniature stories contained in our printer's tray.

and another rainbow


  1. Helen~ such fantastic photos. Ohmygoodness! We've had a couple of days of rain, with more on the way. Then, back up to 80!
    The shadows are great and the printers tray stopped me in my tracks. My mom's best friend, my 2nd mom, had a couple of those filled with goodies. Can't remember what anymore, but oh how I wanted the whole thing. I would stare and stare as a little girl, fascinated with all of the trinkets held inside. I have the same totem pole as you, since I was very young. I've often thought of a totem pole on cloth.
    I could look and look and ramble on, but I'll stop here!!

    1. Thank you Nancy. I do hope you get a printer's tray one day...they are such fun to fill, and it's so enjoyable to have little reminders of special days. The totem pole was given to my man by his uncle, who was in the merchant navy. We can read CANADA in pyrography on the back, but there is a name above it which we cannot make out....we wondered if it's the maker's name or the name of a place...does yours have this too?
      I would love to see your totem pole on cloth....I hope you make one...or a series? :~))

  2. Lovely photos... I love all the light.x

    1. Thank you Trish....we are always so grateful for the light, as we are very often under cloud is another bright day...yay :~)

  3. oh, my word, you are surrounded in loveliness. thank you for sharing.

    1. Hey Cindy....and thank you for being here...and commenting. :~))

  4. you lucky lucky girl! watch gorgeous sights. well done for capturing them too!

    1. Hi Monica....thank you, like you, the camera is never very far away from my side :~))

  5. Buzz...wishing you and those you love many
    beautiful moons and stars and everything in
    this coming, grace

  6. Happy New Year to you! thinking of you & wishing you & yours health, love and joy.

  7. Grace and Cindy....helloooo. I missed your messages. Thank you ~ and wishing you both a good, good year and sending love.
